Monday, June 27, 2011

Sam Hamill and Carolyn Forche VS Poetry Blog Post # 3

After reading the two different articles  I have to say that I agree with Sam Hamill more than Carolyn Forche when it come to comparing the two authors to the poem I wrote about which was “Photographs from September 11th.” I agree that the authors can write in a poetical or a personal style. It just depends on what the author is going to be writing about. I kind of disagree that they say that you cannot be both that the writers have to be either one or the other.  I can really relate to Hamill’s way of writing because he talks about his experiences and about imagery in his writing.  Which really helped me with the ideas of writing my paper especially my thesis sentence.  His article talks about creative writing and writing off of emotion and experience and how that will capture the reader’s attention when they are reading the poems. He also uses his way of writing to teach men and women in jail how to write. I think that that is pretty awesome. My favorite thing that I got out of reading Hamills article is when he said “because writing creates emotion in the audience, the writer’s responsibility  is enormous, arousing passion, exploring the grief of loss, making another laugh, showing someone how to care- these are the concerns of the writer, and they do not come free of responsibility.”(Hamill pg. 547). I feel that I can take that information and out it to a lot of use especially in this class. However The poem that I use for my essay was not very political and that is why Forche‘s article does not really relate to my essay very well. Forche’s idea about writing seems to be mainly about political ways of writing not about emotion or experience.  Don’t get me wrong writing about political issues can be very interesting at times but, when you use that in writing poem it can seem to get a little boring. That is why I feel that I would have to agree with Sam Hamill more than Carolyn Forche.

Here is a web cite that you can use if you would like to read more about Sam Hamill.


  1. Even though you say your September 11th poem wasn't political, I disagree. Because of the actual event the writer is talking about, it becomes political. Even if the writer is talking about the victims, the background of the event is political. With my poem, I decided it was both political and personal because it can be interpreted both ways...this is easily overlooked, but great analysis! I agree with how Sam Hamill helped prisoners learn to write and enjoy it..that is very admirable!

  2. Lani H. Said:

    I think that writing and thinking about political issues comes more with age. I am not really sure why that is, just that it is. Many people couldn’t care less about politics, until they reach middle age. I do agree with you that Hamill has a really wonderful point, that the writer has a “responsibility” to his readers.
    I once spoke with a Vietnamese Monk about this point of being responsible for the ideas you send out into the world. He felt that writers, thinkers, and teachers were all responsible for their ideas. He compared them to children. Just as a good parent carefully raises their child to be part of the world, so should we carefully raise our “ideas,” less they become monsters. If we all followed this advice, there might be a little less trouble in the world.
    You did a nice job, your analysis was well thought out.

  3. I agree with you about being able to relate with sam hamill a little easier. Although both peoms are about topics that we generally don't feel happy about, hamill's makes me feel a little more optimistic understanding his life story. Good Post.
