Thursday, June 16, 2011

Blog Post #3

After reading through all of the poems there are two that I could relate to in some kind of way. The two poems that I really enjoyed the most were "Photographs from September 11" by Wiskawa Szymbroska and "Song of Napalm" by Bruce Weigl. I can relate "Photographs from September 11" because I have been to ground Zero. On the other hand I feel that I can relate to "Song of Napalm" because the writer talks about horses and pastures which brings me back to the good memories from when I was a child when because I was raised around horses.
When I was in the eleventh grade I took a trip to see where the Twin Towers had originally been built. As I was reading the poem "Photographs from September 11" I could see my self back at ground Zero and I could imagine every little detail as I  were there on that tragic day. As I read the first line "They jumped from the burning floors" (Szymbroska line 1). I can close my eyes and just imagine what these people were feeling at that very moment.
When I am reading the first part of the poem "Song of Napalm" "We Stood in the door way watching horses" and "Walk off lazily across the pasture's hill". (Weigl lines 2 and 3). It makes me remember the time when I was younger and we use to go to the ranch every summer in New Mexico. We use to ride every day and would switch out horses often to give them a break. I use to love to climb to the top of the barn and just watch the horses run and play in the pastures. This poem seems so peaceful to me as I was reading it, and that time on the ranch was a peaceful and fun time in my life.

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If your having trouble reading poems maybe you can check out this cite.

Works cited
Symborska, Wislawa.  “Photograph of September 11.” Poetry.
            Monologue of a Dog. Copyright 2005
Weigl, Bruce. "Song of Napalm." Poetry foundation, Poetry. Archaeology of the Circle: New and Selected Poems. Copyright 1999.


  1. I saw the Twin Towers when they were still removing the rubble, and the smoke was still steaming in December! It was crazy, so I know about the feelings that are associated with that poem. I agree that you can visualize parts of that poem, even though the language is a bit hard to interpret. I admire you for choosing to analyze this poem, because it seems difficult. And I think that is good that you can relate poems to past experiences because that will help you connect and interpret it better than if you have no connection at all!

  2. I really enjoyed reading your blog post for this week. It was different from some of the others I read because you used your own personal experiences. By placing yourself at groun zero while reading the Photographs poem, you also take your reader there with you. I have also been there, but until I read you post I never put myself at the scene of the tragedy while I read the poem. Also, hearing of your horse background and how it brought you back to the days when you would ride was nice. It gave a soothing feel to reading throught it, nicely done!

  3. Hello Shelly, I liked how you said you were able to use your imagination and visualize the incidents in your mind. An open mind can take you anywhere, and you were able to do just that by putting yourself back into those certain places and imagine. I feel that that is very important when reading any type of material. Thanks for sharing your views; they have helped me discover new strategies to improve my reading.

  4. I found it interesting that you had such a good connection with the poem. This is what I think the authors intentions were, to connect with the reader in such a way to understand what actually happened to many of the victims of the 911 attacks. I like how your visit to ground zero gave you an extra ability to connect with the writer. Good post and thanks for sharing your experience.
